Dr. Vladan Kusigerski

Dr. Vladan Kusigerski, PhD in Physics, a Principal Research Fellow at the VINS.

He obtained his BSc degree in 1986, MSc degree in 1993, and PhD degree in 1998, all at the Faculty of Physics, University of Belgrade. He has been employed at the “Vinča” Institute since 1987, where he has obtained the Full Research Position in 2008. His career has been devoted to the investigation of 3d and 4f advanced magnetic materials, from diluted magnetic semiconductors and complex compounds, to manganites and ferrites, in both bulk and nanoparticle form. He has gained vast experience in the research on the structural/microstuctural and magnetic properties, with a focus on their interplay. In the last decade, his research interest has been devoted mostly to nanoparticle magnetics for biomedical and environmental applications. He possesses considerable experience in the work on interdisciplinary topics, acting both as a researcher and management structure member. He had participated in projects from FP6 and FP7 programs, COST action, five bilateral projects, and six national projects. His publication record comprehends 63 peer-reviewed articles (h-index = 14, number of citations = 610). List of publications available at https://orcid.org/0000-0003-0880-672. He is currently a representative of Serbia in EMA (European Magnetism Association) as a member of EMA General Council.