[Страница] Magnetic nanomaterial as a mediator, carrier and trigger for hyperthermia-complementing combined therapies of tumors: MagBioVin approach

Željko Prijović Vinča institute of nuclear sciences, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia Effective heating of the super-paramagnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) by alternating magnetic field (AMF) serves as a base for development of AMF-generated hyperthermia for tumor therapy. Despite being thoroughly investigated by years and the basic idea confirmed in vitro, it is sparsely used in clinics. […]

[Страница] Željko Prijović

Dr. Zeljko Prijovic received his PhD in biochemistry (medicinal enzymology) at School of Chemistry, University of Belgrade. Major focus of his work has been cancer research, more precisely development of low toxic therapies of tumors. His specialties are enzyme/prodrug therapies as Prodrug Monotherapy (PMT), Antibody-, Virus- and Bacteria-Directed Enzyme-Prodrug Therapies (ADEPT, VDEPT, BacDEPT), in vitro […]

[Страница] Taking magnetic hyperthermia and magnetogenetics to the next level: key aspects to address from a basic-physics point of view

David Serantes Instituto de Investigacións Tecnolóxicas and Applied Physics Department, Universidade de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain The aim of the talk is to highlight some key aspects that, in my opinion and from the theoretical point of view, need to be addressed in order to achieve further biomedical success using the heat […]

[Страница] David Serantes

David Serantes currently holds a combined teaching and research position at the Universidade de Santiago de Compostela (USC) in Galicia, Spain. His expertise is on theoretical nanomagnetism, being his research characterized by a strong interaction with experimentalists. He obtained his PhD on magnetocaloric properties in nanosystems at the USC in 2011; then as a postdoc […]

[Страница] Gerardo F. Goya

Dr. Gerardo F. Goya (Argentina, April 1964) completed his PhD degree at the University of La Plata and Centro Atómico Bariloche, Argentina. During 2001-2007 Prof. Goya has been Associate Professor at the Institute of Physics, University of Sao Paulo (Brazil), where he created and managed the mechanochemistry laboratory at the Materials Physics Department (DFMT). Dr. […]

[Страница] Translational requirements for nanotechnology enable medical products

Adriele Prina-Mello1,2,3 1 Department of Clinical Medicine, Trinity College Dublin, Jamess Street, Dublin 8, Ireland 2 Laboratory for Biological Characterisation of Advance Materials (LBCAM) and Nanomedicine Group, Trinity Translational Medicine Institute, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin 8, Ireland 3 Centre for Research on Adaptive Nanostructures and Nanodevices (CRANN) Institute and AMBER Centre, Trinity College Dublin, College […]

[Страница] Adriele Prina-Mello

Dr Adriele Prina-Mello is currently working as ussher Assistant Professor in Translational Nanomedicine at Trinity College Dublin, University of Dublin and part of the League of Universities (LERU). His track-record in nanomedicine products translation from bench to bedsite, and expert in R&D and scientific regulatory aspects associated with nanotechnology-driven products. Key achievements of dr Prina-Mello […]

[Страница] Engineering and optimization of Specific Absorption Rates of Fe oxide nanoparticles in magnetic hyperthermia

V. Kuncser1, N. Iacob1, A. Kuncser1, P. Palade1, C. Comanescu1, R. Turcu2, G. Schinteie1 1National Institute of Materials Physics, 077125, Bucharest-Magurele, Romania 2National Institute of Isotopic and Molecular Technologies, Cluj-Napoca, Romania Issues related to the magnetic response of complex systems consisting of different types of Fe oxide nanoparticles (with different shapes and aspect rations, non-interacting […]

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