[Projekat] Dr Martin Fabian

Personal details First name, surname, academic title: Fabián, Martin, Dr. Gender: Male Current professional position: Research Associate Date and place of birth: 20. 12. 1981; Košice, Slovak Republic Nationality: Slovak Republic Marital status: single Institution and department: Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geotechnics Department of Mechanochemistry Postal address: Watsonova 45, 043 53 Košice, Slovak […]

[Чланак] Selection of new ERA Chair holder for MAGBIOVIN project

We are happy to announce that the Selection Panel has chosen Dr. Zeljko Prijovic as the best candidate for the ERA Chair holder position. As an outstanding and internationally recognized scientist in the field of biochemistry and enzymology, he was selected to be the new Scientific Coordinator of the MagBioVin

[Projekat] Dr. Zeljko Prijovic

Personal details Date of Birth: 2nd December 1963 Place of Birth: Priboj, SFR Yugoslavia (now Serbia) Citizenship: Serbian Marital Status: Married, wife Marina, sons Milan (12) and Dusan (10) ADDRESS: Institute of Nuclear Sciences VINCA Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics 020/2 P.O. Box 522, 11001 Belgrade, Serbia telephone: +381 11 80 65 828 fax: +381 […]

[Чланак] Open ERA Chair Holder position

The Vinca Institute, University of Belgrade, Serbia, announces the open ERA Chair Holder position for the MagBioVin project, funded by the grant of 2.4 million EUR within the FP7-ERAChairs-Pilot Call-2013 programme  since May 5th 2014. The position is a replacement for the recent ERA Chair stepping down and will be effective Sep 1st 2016. Through […]

[Projekat] Diseminacija

Scientific Communications July 2016        Selected oral at Faraday Discussions (Nanoparticles with Morphological and Functional Anisotropy)4-6 July 2016, Glasgow, United Kingdom Peddis, G. Muscas , R, Mathieu ,G. Varvaro, G. Singh, P. Anil Kumar, L. Marcano, A. Muela, M. L. Fdez-F. Gubieda                         Studying nanoparticles 3D shape by aspects maps: correlation between magnetic properties and […]

[Projekat] Publikacije

D.Peddis*, G. Muscas, R, Mathieu, P. Anil Kumar, G. Varvaro, G. Singh, I. Orue, D. Gil-Carton, L. Marcano, A. Muela, M. L. Fdez-Gubieda, Studying nanoparticles 3D shape by aspects maps: correlation between magnetic properties and morphology of bacterial magnetic nanoparticles, in press on Faraday discussion

[Projekat] Istrazivačke aktivnosti

May 2016        Nikola Knezevic started his STSM in Florence, at University of Florence- Chemistry Departments /ICCOM CNR, Italy Synthesis of magneto-plasmonic hybrid nanostructures for biomedical applications                         [two weeks, Granted by STM program of Italian National research Council] March 2016     Ana Mrakovic started her STSM in Trondheim, at Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU), […]

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