Acronym: RadioMag
Participating Scientific and Research Organizations (SROs) and their acronyms;
“VINČA” Institute of Nuclear Sciences – National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia (VINS);
Call for proposal: The Program PRISMA
About the Project
RadioMag Project’s aim is to introduce a unique combination of internal radiation therapy (nanobrachytherapy (NBT)) and heating, which relies on nanoconstructs labelled with therapeutic radionuclides. As generators of simultaneous (bi-modal) local nanobrachytherapy and local magnetic hyperthermia (MH), these nanoconstructs by new approaches are expected to boost cancer combat by synergism or a cumulative effect. RadioMag also addresses the design of new nanoconstructs based on multicore magnetic nanoparticles (MNPs) with flower-like morphology and single MNPs with different morphologies and high heating efficiency in MH therapy. The implementation plan concerns the synthesis of MNPs based on magnetite and maghemite and their coating with thin-layer organic compounds suitable for radiolabelling with therapeutic radionuclides (177Lu, 90Y, 131I). Samples analysis will be used to elucidate chemical, physical and biological underlying mechanisms at the nanoscale and to improve tailoring of the desired properties. The efficacy of the bi-modal therapy will be tested in vitro/in vivo on the CT-26 murine colon and 4T1 metastatic murine mammary carcinoma models. Besides scientific impact, the main anticipated Project outcome is the fabrication of radioactive nanoconstructs with improved therapeutic effect verified in preclinical testing, as the first step in the development of next-generation radiopharmaceuticals (magnetic nano radiopharmaceuticals) for application in bi-modal therapy.

2024. papers
Vranješ-Đurić, S., Milanović, Z., Mirković, M., Radović, M. and Perić, M., 2024.
On the driving forces behind the change of reduction potentials and the prediction of redox properties through analysis of EPR hyperfine couplings in VO (acac) 2pyr and VO (acac) 2 imidazole complexes. A DFT study. Polyhedron, p.117049. DOI:
Ognjanović, M., Bošković, M., Kolev, H., Dojčinović, B., Vranješ-Đurić, S. and Antić, B., 2024. Synthesis, Surface Modification and Magnetic Properties Analysis of Heat-Generating Cobalt-Substituted Magnetite Nanoparticles. Nanomaterials, 14(9), p.782. DOI:
Ognjanović, M., Mirković, M., Radović. M., Vranješ-Đurić, S., Antić, B., Unveiling the impact of the chemical composition of ternary ferrites on specific loss power, 14th International Conference on the Scientific and Clinical Applications of Magnetic Carriers, Barcelona, Spain.
News & Press
RadioMag team gallery

Principal Investigator (PI); Dr. Sanja Vranješ-Đurić
Head of the Laboratory for radioisotopes Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences,
National Institute of the Republic of Serbia, University of Belgrade
Mike Petrovica Alasa 12-14, 11000 Belgrade, Serbia
Tel/fax:+381 11 6308 436 mobile: +381 64 8505059