Siemens Orbiter Gamma Camera

Siemens Orbiter Gamma Camera, supplied with two collimators low energy (140keV) for 99mTc and high energy (360 keV) for 131I image acquisition. It is used for static studies of radiolabelled agents for diagnostics or therapy in experimental rodents.

Scintigraphic image of 99mTc-HEDP in the Wistar rat 2 h post-injection, dorso-ventral view (Mirković et al. 2020).  For the imaging study, 0.1 ml (11.1MBq) of 99mTc–HEDP was injected into the tail vein of two healthy male Wistar rats weighing 250-300 g. The rats were anesthetized 24 h post-injection by intraperitoneal injection of ketamine/xylazine (80-100/10 mg/kg).