[Activity] MECAME 2015

Iron oxide: magnetic hyperthermia and encapsulation

[Activity] ICAME 2013

Characterization of nano-ferrites by multiple complementary techniques

[Post] Visit of Ian James Bruce, Emeritus Professor of Nanobiotechnology, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, UK

During the two day visit of Professor Ian Bruce from Nanobiotechnology Research Group, University of Kent, Magbiovin team members had opportunity to learn and discuss about multidisciplinary research of this excellent group in the field of molecular biology, organic and inorganic chemistry and materials science. The eminent expert from the field of Nanobiotechnology gave lecture […]

[Post] Advanced Techniques for physico-chemical characterization of MNPs

Three guest researchers (Dr S. Music, Dr M. Ristic and Dr S. Krehula) from Department of Chemistry of Materials, Rudjer Boskovic Institute, Zagreb, Croatia have visited Laboratory for Condensed Matter Physics, Institute of Nuclear Sciences Vinca during the two day Magbiovin workshop.

[Equipment] FTIR Spectrometer

The Thermo Scientific Nicolet iS 50 Spectrometer is a commercial, compact, high-performance Fourier Transform IR spectrometer. In its base configuration it is designed for operation in the mid-infrared region (4000-400 1/cm). The device is equipped with three optical inputs, namely a He-Ne laser, a white light (Tungsten-Halogen near-IR) and the infrared source that are connected […]

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