[Page] International Journals

2014 1. Tadic M, Panjan M, Markovic D, Stanojevic B, Jovanovic Dj, Milosevic I, Spasojevic V, NiO core-shell nanostructure with ferromagnetic-like behavior at room temperature,Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 586 (2014), S322-S325. 2. M. Vucinic-Vasic, M. Boskovic, A. Antic, G. Stojanovic, M. Radovanovic, C. Jovalekic, M. B. Pavlovic, B. Antic, Temperature induced evolution of structure/microstructure […]

[Page] National Journals

2005 1. V. Spasojevic, V. Kusigerski , S. Boskovic, J. Blanusa, M. Mitric, B. Matovic, D. Markovic: “Uporedna analiza magnetnih osobina nanocesticnih i sinterovanih manganita Ca 0.7La0.3MnO3 i Ca0.7La0.3Mn0.8Ce0.2O3 “, Tehnika (Novi Materijali) 3 (2005) 14-19. 2002 1. M. Vucinic, M. Mitric, V. Kusigerski , A. Kapor and A. Szytula: “Magnetic Properties of Cr(III) and […]

[Project] National project (2006-2010)

Project’s subject is research of the magnetic properties of nanosized materials that can be generally described as 3d and/or rare earths oxides. The following nanosystems will be considered:

[Project] INCO – VINCENT Project

SIXTH FRAMEWORK PROGRAMME PRIORITY FP6-2002-INCO-WBC/SSA-3 PRIORITY TITLE “Reinforcement of the WBC Research Capacities” The VINCENT Center is the National R&D Centre for New Materials and is a part of the VINCA Institute in Belgrade which is the largest R&D institute in the country. This Centre was founded in 2004 by support of the Serbian Ministry […]

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