The Vinca Institute is among the first eleven institutions in Europe to obtain a grant for the FP7-ERA Chairs project More ». “ERA Chairs” is a new measure under Horizon 2020 to bridge the research and innovation divide with the aim to unlock and develop the Research Potential of research institutions in the EU’s Convergence regions.
The Vinca’s granted project “Strengthening of the MagBioVin Research and Innovation Team for Development of Novel Approaches for Tumour Therapy based on Nanostructured Materials” is focused on the application of activated magnetic nanoparticles in biomedicine. Through the MagBioVin project, the Institute of Nuclear Sciences “Vinca” receives important community support to upgrade its capacities related to the highly specialized research on activated magnetic nanoparticles (MNP) and radionuclide labeled magnetic nanoparticles for application in biosciences, pharmacy and medicine.