Prof Andrzej Szytuła

Address: Institute of Physics, Jagiellonian University

30-059 Kraków, ul. Reymonta 4, Poland

Education: student of physics at the Mathematics, Physics and Chemistry Faculty of the Jagiellonian University in Kraków (Poland), graduated in 1965.


1965 –Master of physics at the Jagiellonian University

1969 –PhD thesis “Crystal and magnetic Structures of FeOOH Compounds”

1972 –habilitation thesis “Atomic and Magnetic Structure of the Heusler Alloys”

1974 –head of Solid State Department, Institute of Physics of the Jagiellonian University

1975 –permanent position of docent, Institute of Physics of the Jagiellonian University, Kraków

1985 –permanent position of professor, Institute of Physics of the Jagiellonian University, Kraków

Professional employment:

Jagiellonian University, Institute of Physics

1965 –1966 – Postgraduate Student

1966 –1970 – Research Assistant

1970 –1975 – Assistant Professor

1975 –1985 – Docent

1985 –1996 – Associate Professor

1996 –2012 – Full Professor

2012 – Professor Emeritus, volunteer

Short characterization of professional activities and achievements

  • Investigation of crystal and magnetic structures of different compounds: ferric oxydroxides FeOOH, Heusler alloys, 3d intermetallic compounds.
  • Study of the properties of the intermetallic RmTnXp compounds, where R is rare earth metal, T is and transition metal and X is Si, Ga, Ge, Sb and Sn, with different compositions. For these compounds the magnetic parameters including magnetic structure of about 450 compounds were determined.
  • Investigation of the high Tc These investigations are concentrated on the: obtaining the new compounds with the high Tc temperature and search for correlation between magnetic and superconductivity properties.
  • Investigations of the electronic structure by photoelectron spectroscopy method for intermetallic compounds and high Tc superconductors in purpose to obtain additional information and correlation with the magnetic properties.
  • Studies on the investigation of oxides (manganites, nanomaterials). Promotion of new materials with the specific properties interesting from the point of view scientific and practical importance.

Membership of professional societies and editorial boards

Member of Polish Physics Society, Crystallography Committee of Polish Acad. Sciences, European Neutron Scattering Association, President of the Polish Society for Neutron Scattering

Didactic and popularizing activities

Lectures: Introduction of Solid State Physics, Physics of Magnetism, Physics of Superconductors, Electronic structure of crystals, Biophysics methods in structural biology, Experimental methods investigations materials. Review articles in Postępy Fizyki and Foton (in Polish) a lecture for teachers and pupil of college. In the period 1975-2012 he was a head of solid state physics specialization. He supervised 49 master and 20 doctor theses  and participated in the preparation of scripts for students.

Honours, prizes, awards

Individual of the 3 rd degree given by the Gov. Council for Atomic Energy (1973) and the Min Education (1974), group by the Min. of Education 2 nd degree (1982) and (1989) 1 st (1995), Academy of Sciences (1982), Gov. Council for Atomic Energy 1 st degree (1988), professor honoris causa St Cyril and Methodius University of Skopje (Republic Macedonia) (1999).

Technical skills and competences:

Solid state physics, Materials engineering, Magnetic materials, Superconducting materials, Preparation of the intermetallics and oxides, X-ray and neutron diffraction, magnetometric, photoelectron spectroscopy, specific heat, investigations of the phase transitions.

During 47 years of scientific activity he organized the following laboratories in the Institute of Physics:

  • X-ray diffraction based on the diffractometer PANalytical,
  • magnetometric, thermal and conductivity (PPMS Quantum Design)
  • electron spectroscopy XPS, UPS (PREVAC, SPE
  • phase transition under pressure (investigations of the magnetic phase transitions)

In the rich scientific career, he managed 9 national scientific projects financed by Ministry of Science and High Education in Poland and participated in two scientific networks in Poland “New materials for magnetoelectronics” and ”High Tc Superconductivity and related phenomena in perowskite”.

He is a member of Committee of Crystallography Polish Academy of Science, Scientific Council of Institute of Low Temperatures and Structural Research PAN (Wrocław) and Chairman of the Section Physical Crystallography. He was the principal organizer of the 15th International Conference on Solid Compounds of Transition Elements, Kraków 2006.

Publication activity:

A total number are 537 titles including two books, three review articles in Handbook. According to the Web of Science his works have been quoted over 3864 times and his h-index is 27.

He refereed the works for international journals: Journal of Physics: Condense. Matter, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, Europhysics Letter, conference presentations and coedited special issue of Journal Alloys and Compounds and Acta Physica Polonica A.

Organization and participation in scientific conferences:

  • Principal organization of the conferences Cryogenic Fundamentals (1983),

Properties of f-electron intermetallics (1985, 1987, 1989, 1994) 15 th. Conf. of Solid Compounds of Transition Elements (2006)

  • Member of scientific committee of the conferences: European Conf. on Neutron Scattering (2001, 2003, 2007, 2011), Int. Conf. of Magnetism (1994), European Crystallographic Meeting (1991,
  • Member of advisory committee conference “Physics of Magnetism”, Int. Conf. on Crystal Chemistry of Intermetallic Compounds (1995 – 2005),
  • Organizer of symposium “Magnetism of Metal, Alloys and Intermetallics on Joint European Magnetic Symposia JEMS 2010, Kraków.