Multimodal in vivo imager – “Bruker”, device model: Xtreme II™

The system provides for multimodal bioluminescent/Cherenkov luminescent imaging (BLI/CLI), direct radioisotopic imaging (DRI), multispectral fluorescent imaging (MS FLI), reflectance (REF), and X-ray imaging with 2D and 360-degree detection modes. The unique configuration combining a highly sensitive CCD detector, powerful xenon illuminator, patented wide-angle emission filters, patented phosphor screen technology, and microfocus X-ray source make the In-Vivo Xtreme II highly flexible and sensitive. Additionally, the system has advanced animal support options for enhanced analytical potential and cross-platform multimodal imaging.

The In-Vivo Xtreme II is provided with a comprehensive software package. The Bruker Molecular Imaging (BMI) Software controls acquisitions and provides for a range of image preparation and data analysis features (youtube review).

Combined X-ray and radioisotopic imaging

Radioimaging on LS174T-bearing mice. (A) immediately after i.t. injection of 131I-CC49-APTES@SPIONs and (B) 14 days p.i. Tumor retention of 131I: (C) immediately after i.t. injection, (D) 6 h p.i. and (E) 8 days p.i. (Stanković et al. 2020)