AutoLab PGSTAT302N

The N series Autolab potentiostat/galvanostat instruments are state-of-the-art instrumentation that can be used for virtually all electrochemical applications. One of the important features of Autolab electrochemical instruments is modularity. The basis of the instrument is a potentiostat/galvanostat, which can be further configured by adding one or more modules.

The AutoLab PGSTAT302N for all mode measurement is a high end, high current potentiostat/galvanostat, with a compliance voltage of 30 V and a bandwidth of 1 MHz, combined with FRA32M module, is specially designed for electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The PGSTAT302N is the successor of the popular PGSTAT30. The maximum current is 2 A, the current range can be extended to 10 A with the available BOOSTER10A, the current resolution is 30 fA at a current range of 10 nA.

The Autolab can be used in various fields for many applications, such as the study of corrosion, semiconduction electrochemistry, energy cell processes and interfacial electrochemistry. The device can be used for polymer synthesis, environmental science, corrosion research, biosensor study. The device offers a wide measurable range of current and voltage and is designed to interface with any external instrument.

AutoLab PGSTAT302N is complemented by software NOVA 2.0 that combines the power and flexibility of the previous versions with a simple and modern user interface. The design of NOVA is based on simple and effective graphical representations of common tasks that can be carried out by the instrument. The interface is intuitive and simple. NOVA software provides an extensive list of unique features:

  • A simple, consistent and clear presentation, extensive library of predefined methods,
  • An easy-to-use procedure editor for custom methods,
  • Powerful 2D and 3D plotting options,
  • A wide range of data analysis and

Data handling tools and seamless transition from procedure to data and the other way around.